

You will guided through the adaptation process your workstation

You’re not alone! Our virtual expert will help you evaluate and adjust your workstation. In addition to guiding you through the six steps, you will be asked a question at the end of each step so you can see if you have understood and adjusted your workstation properly.

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You will evolve through content
who will adjust to your reality

Whether you’re using a desktop computer or a laptop; whether you’re working in your office, in a meeting room, in a hotel room or in your car; whether you have a keyboard tray, a footrest, or any other work-related accessory, we can help you adjust your workstation so it’s right for you.


You'll benefit from dynamic content in high resolution

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what about a video? Obviously, a visual aid is easier to absorb than a long, boring text that explains the why and how of doing something. A dynamic, high resolution video is perfect for demonstrating the steps involved in assessing and adjusting a workstation.


A quick overview

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